Sources of indoor air pollutants could be hiding in your duct work and air vents. Irritants like heavy pollen dust and mold are a fact of life in Myrtle Beach and often hitch a ride into your home, finding safe haven in your duct system where they can accumulate over time. These irritants eventually find their way into the air you and your family breathe every day, contributing to allergies, asthma, and other conditions.
When performed properly and part of a comprehensive full HVAC and air duct cleaning and inspection, your duct system should only require cleaning every 3-5 years.
A few exceptions when you would want to schedule a duct work & air vent cleaning in Myrtle Beach would be:
• recent renovations (especially in older homes where lead paint or asbestos could be present)
• evidence of vermin or animals in the ducts or air vents, visible microbial growth, visible debris, and dust build-up
• visible contaminants coming from air registers into your home
• unexplained allergy or asthma-related illnesses.
Clean ducts and ventilation increase the efficiency of your HVAC system, saving you money while helping you breathe easier. Carolina Cool is your Myrtle Beach duct & air vent cleaning expert. To keep your ventilation and duct work free of indoor pollutants, we:
• Perform air balancing
• Infrared moisture surveyor
• Home Energy Star Program Rater
• Duct Blast Pressurization testing
• Building envelope sealing
• Ductwork cleaning
• HVAC Cleaning
• Dryer Vent cleaning
• Perform Duct Work Leak Detection
• Perform Mold Testing and Sampling
• Repair Duct and Ventilation Leaks or Damage
• Inspect Insulated Duct Systems for Moisture and Damage