Our Carrier Line-Up

Carrier Infinity – with Greenspeed Intelligence
This is Carrier’s most advanced technology. Greenspeed intelligence is created by pairing adaptable speed technology with the Infinity System Control. What does that mean? That means you have a system that will operate longer at lower capacities ensuring incredible energy efficiency and quiet operation with tighter temperature controls.

Carrier Infinity – Coastal Heat Pump
Ideal for homes within 10 miles of the seacoast this advanced Infinity series is designed to withstand the rigors of the harsh salt air.

Performance Series Heat Pumps
The Performance series offers a perfect balance between budget limits and long-term energy savings. With efficiencies up to 17 SEER this system is designed for quiet comfort and years of service.

Comfort Series Heat Pumps
Carrier’s Comfort Series is designed to be reliable. This system is Carrier’s most affordable system but provides more comfort than most of its competition with durability and energy efficiencies with a ten-year warranty on factory parts.