
With Carolina Cool since 2021
Teague is also a Yankee import, from Connecticut originally and she wishes she could teleport to help her reach her goal of meeting everyone on the beach! Seriously, she is helping our local businesses learn about Carolina Cool and what our services can do to help them maintain their businesses.


December 13, 2021

Teague Bush

With Carolina Cool since 2021 Teague is also a Yankee import, from Connecticut originally and she wishes she could teleport to help her reach her goal […]
December 13, 2021

Sam Smith

With Carolina Cool since 2010 Sam manages the sales efforts at Carolina Cool and oversees that team. He is originally from Ohio and has been working […]
December 13, 2021

Jake Watts

With Carolina Cool since 2020 Jake helps facilitate plumbing repairs and installations. He has been bouncing between DC and Myrtle Beach most of his life and […]
December 13, 2021

Craig Beaudry

With Carolina Cool since 2013 If you chat with Craig, you will know immediately that he is from Massachusetts. Yep – it is that pronounced, even […]